5 things to add value to yourself (good text in depth)

5 things to add value to yourself (good text in depth)
Rope saw wood is broken, water drops wear stone, day after day, rise abruptly with accumulated strength.

point DJ00123987 There is a popular post on the Internet: do you have any reason why it is too late to meet each other? would you like to recommend it to young people? One highly praised answer goes like this: "from now on, do things that add value to yourself." Diligent study is like a spring seedling, but it does not increase, it grows every day; dropping out of school is like a stone for sharpening a knife, it does not see its loss, it loses every day. The gap between people seems to be very large, but what opens the gap is often a small accumulation day after day. Only those who understand self-appreciation, continuous learning and lifelong growth can always be in an invincible position in the tide of the times. Reading value-added Charlie Munger, a famous investor, once said: "none of the smart people I've met in my life from all walks of life don't read it every day-no, none." Reading is the best way to awaken oneself and increase wisdom. One more knowledge, one more ability, one more knowledge, one more layer of strength. Bai Yansong, a famous host, once mentioned in a speech that books that had a great influence on him at different stages of his life: The Biography of Zeng Guofan taught him to understand the complexity of human nature, the Book of morality made him aware of the importance of common sense and laws, and A Dream of Red Mansions made him understand the ups and downs of life. He once said: "you will encounter a lot of troubles, and suffering will torture people. However, if you read too many books and read wisdom, you can always face all kinds of sudden sufferings well and correctly. " When confused, the book is a shield to help you resist impetuous temptation. When you are in trouble, books are a tool to help you answer questions and questions better. When you are depressed, books are a weapon to help you resist hardships and frustrations. The height of a person's life is the thickness of the books under his feet. Every book you read is a kind of inner strength to help you better cope with the storms in your life. Sports increment There is a question on Zhihu: what is the most expensive thing you have ever bought? There is a very heart-wrenching answer is: "Health, the original organ, no matter which one is broken, is enough to make people lose everything." A healthy body is the biggest card for a person to live. Warren Buffett, the god of stock, was worried about his health because he was keen on high-calorie food and did not like exercise. On the advice of his doctor and fitness instructor, the 64-year-old began to run every day, day after day, year after year, his body gradually returned to normal. Later, in an interview, he said with emotion: "if I give you a car, and it is the only car in your life, you will take care of it in every way, and you will quickly fix any glitch. This is especially true for our only brain and body, do not wait until the age of 50 to start maintenance, you do not plan in advance, when you are old, the body will be useless. " There is a saying: "Health is a hollow glass ball, once dropped, it will be shattered." From now on, use exercise to add value to your health. You know, every drop of sweat in the gym and every minute of running in the morning will live up to you. Habit increment William James once said, "our lives are just the sum of countless habits." Your words and deeds, every move, are constantly repeated, transformed into your way of life and attitude towards life. Matt Katz, a Google engineer, mentioned a "30-day challenge plan" in a TED speech. He set himself to complete four tasks a day: Go to work by bike; walk 10,000 steps a day; take a picture every day; write an autobiography of 50,000 words. Overcome four habits: Don't watch TV; don't eat candy; don't play Twitter; reject caffeine. Thirty days later, he not only succeeded in slimming down, but also more optimistic and progressive than ever. He finally mentioned that you will thank yourself after 30 days for doing those small, continuous challenges. Aristotle once said: "each of us is forged by our own repeated actions. Because excellence is not an act, but a habit. " Habit is a compound interest. Good habits can be worn by dripping stones, which will make you better and better over time. Instead of expecting, the so-called great changes in life. It would be better to establish one seemingly small good habit after another from now on. Make a little progress every day, and slowly you will become a better self. Time increment The only fairest thing in the world is time. No matter who you are, every day you live has 24 hours, 1440 minutes, and 86400 seconds. How a person lives a day, he will have what kind of life. Fu Seoul, the winner of the seventh season of Qifa, was asked by the director when he signed up for the show, what are your advantages and why are you here? At that time, her answer was: "my characteristic is ordinary." Indeed, before she became famous, she was living an ordinary life, getting married and having children, and her life was as calm as water. But she always had a dream of becoming a writer, so after work every day, she used her spare time to read books, write blogs and contribute to magazines day and night. Finally, after ten years of persistence, she became famous by debate. How you spend your time determines what kind of life you will live. As Einstein once said: "the difference between people is that in their spare time, they produce talents, slackers, alcoholics, card fans and gamblers. As a result, there is not only a difference in work performance, but also a distinction between high and low levels of life. " The same hour, used for drama or review, the results are not the same. In the same month, playing games or memorizing words, the results are different. In the same year, dawdling or striving for progress, the gap is not the same. Never waste your time and don't muddle through your life. When you make your time meaningful, your life has meaning. Network increment There is a saying: "networking is essentially an exchange of value." The so-called "network increment" is not how many people you want to know, but how many people you want to know. When there is no value in itself, there is no so-called network. In a job search program "it must be you", a post-90s guy graduated from a technical secondary school with a salary of 2,000 to 3,000 yuan, but he was single-minded.Thinking about applying for a public relations job as an assistant to the president. When the boss and CEO at the scene asked him what advantages he had? He says he is well-connected, such as Dong Minzhu, who knows Gree, and Yu Minhong, who is from New Oriental. At that time, the host asked curiously, how did he know each other? He said proudly that it was the contact information given to him by the other party on his own initiative in an enterprise association. As a result, everyone at the scene questioned that these celebrities were politely giving business cards, but would not really want to make friends with him. In order to prove himself, he even offered to call two people at the scene, but there was no answer at all. Contacts don't rely on flattery, they attract each other. In the world of adults, you have to speak by strength. You are not only your best network, but also your biggest card. When you do not have excellent skills, no matter how good people you know, you will not get real recognition and support. But when you are outstanding or good enough, even if you don't make friends and clings, contacts will come uninvited. Instead of spending time and energy on useless social activities, learn to strengthen yourself. When you are useful, your contacts are useful. When you are valuable, your contacts will be valuable. When you are valuable, your contacts are valuable. ▽ There is a question in the fable of ancient Greece: can a coin make a person rich? Maybe your answer is no, but what if you add one, add another, or even add one every day? The gap between people, often not suddenly opened, is precisely in a year, January, a day, gradually opened. Add value to yourself from now on. Rope saw wood is broken, water drops wear stone, day after day, rise abruptly with accumulated strength.

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