Most people with mild depression will have these three "mantras". I hope you haven't said any of them.

Most people with mild depression will have these three "mantras". I hope you haven't said any of them.
Please always remember that there are people in this world who love you very much and will always be with you.

zx Rsnet With the accelerated pace of modern life, more and more people, long-term under high pressure, boredom can not be released, it is easy to have depression. Maybe in the eyes of many people, depression is hypocritical, but this is not the case. Depressed people, will always be suffering from the heart, it is difficult to get out of the depression. If you do not pay attention to depression, then the symptoms will continue to worsen. It will make your life unhappy, unhappy, and slowly fall into endless troubles and unhappiness. People with depression often say these three mantras. If you often say the same thing, you must find a way to adjust your mindset. "I'm such a useless person." Psychologists point out: If a person often looks at himself in a negative way, it is very dangerous and it will destroy yourself. People with depression will feel that they are useless, can not do anything well, and always blindly belittle themselves. If a person has this self-pity attitude for a long time, it is easy to lose confidence and become more self-abased over a long period of time. Zhihu was shocked to see the story of a girl: She has not studied well since she was a child. She has studied very hard, but every time the exam results come out, she is in the middle and lower reaches of the class. Her mother felt that she was not good at her studies and that she was ashamed to hold parent-teacher meetings, so she often taunted her: "you are so useless that you can't even do such a simple question. You're so useless. You can't do anything. Things You're so. It's no use. My money is wasted on you. " Every time she was seen by her mother when she studied hard, her mother would say that she pretended to work hard. Mother never considered her feelings. In this way, because she was often instilled with the idea of "you are useless" by her mother, she felt that she was a useless person from an early age. No matter what she does, her first reaction is "I can't do it well." Later, she was not admitted to the university, nor did she find a good job. As a result, she becomes more and more self-abased. Now that she is completely autistic, she can only find her own sense of existence briefly in the online world. In real life, she hasn't opened her mouth to talk to anyone for more than a year. In the early stage of depression, it is because some things can not be done well and self-denial, so that confidence frustration, thus forming a habit. Each of us has our own advantages and disadvantages, if you only see your own shortcomings, it is easy to aggravate self-doubt and fall into a dead end of self-denial. Therefore, in daily life, we must encourage ourselves, appreciate ourselves, and always believe in ourselves. "it's so boring." People with depression think a lot more than ordinary people every day. No matter what they do, they will give priority to the feelings of others, they always feel that they do not fit in with the world around them, and every day of life is a torment for them. Some netizens summed up their state of depression: Refuse to socialize. When people call me out, I always refuse for a variety of reasons. I feel that life is boring, no matter what I do, I can't cheer myself up through chicken blood. I don't think people around me understand me. I always feel that everyone is prejudiced against me and that everyone looks at me with bad intentions. In short, I feel that everything I encounter in life and work is negative. Getting up early in the morning to go to work is sad, the weather is hot and sad, the weather is cold and sad, I hate saying hello to others, I hate walking, and every second I drink is counting down. It feels long and hard. I took a lot of antidepressants, but it didn't seem to work at all. There is a passage in Ai Yazawa's cartoon Nana: "my life has always been a third-rate TV series. It is said that my dark past doesn't matter how others add to it. It's just that I want to write the script for a bright future myself. " In fact, most of the time life is to endure. Go through those meaningless moments in order to meet the meaningful light. Singer Shirley was abused by the whole network before committing suicide. When she was broadcast live, her eyes were red with tears, and countless people in the barrage called her hypocritical and fragile. In this darkest moment of life, no one wants to give her a hand. A burst of abuse destroyed her, at the same time, she was full of despair about the world. When I felt that the world was "so boring", I resolutely chose to leave. Depression is like a special existence, you can not see the broken cells, but you can clearly feel that you are slowly being eroded by it. If you feel that no matter what you do is boring, then be selfish. It's no big deal to let yourself do whatever you want. Go to your favorite city, eat what you want to eat, meet the people you want to see, and fill your world with more colors. Trust me, you will gradually feel that the world is interesting. "I'm so tired." I once saw the self-statement of a depressed patient: "I really don't have any strength, and I feel tired even breathing. I didn't do anything, but I felt very tired, especially in the morning, when I had slept all night, but I felt more and more tired, and sometimes I felt as if I had been beaten and hurt all over. When I wake up every day, I need to make a lot of determination in order to have the strength to get dressed and go to the ground. I don't have the slightest interest in anything now, and all I can think about is how my life could have been such a failure. " Someone asked him, "do you feel desperate?" "every moment of my life, I am in despair," he said. " Because people with depression have been in a state of high psychological stress, the more they think, the more they will feel restless, depressed and irritable, and negative thoughts will follow and eventually occupy the whole brain. Therefore, it is easy for them to feel physically and mentally exhausted. Some people say that the opposite of depression is not happiness, but energy. I think so. According to the report of the World Health Organization, more than 350 million people worldwide suffer from depression, and the growth rate of patients has gradually accelerated in the past decade. For patients with depression, they are seriously affected by external pressure and are unwilling to intersect with the outside world. at the same time, they feel that they lack energy and turn their brains.Don't move. This kind of mental distress of "I am so tired" is silent and lethal to depression. Every day he has to constantly struggle with his brain, against the panic of his own thinking, and everything he encounters seems to be a burden. Feel left out in life; there are some contradictions in the process of getting along with others, and so on. They will ponder over and over again whether it is because they have done something wrong and inadvertently offended others, which will aggravate their fatigue and become more and more haggard. Over and over again, there is no end. ▽ If there is someone around you who likes to say these three words, he has been in the dark long enough, if you can, please give him a hand. Depression, like a common cold and fever, needs treatment. Don't be cynical, be the last straw that crushes him. Your encouragement may be more beneficial to him than good medicine. Learn to save yourself, exercise properly, balance nutrition, get enough sleep, have a good state of mind, make up for what you lack, and life will be much more comfortable. Please always remember that there are people in this world who love you very much and will always be there for you.

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