The higher the EQ, the milder the mood.

The higher the EQ, the milder the mood.
Stable mood is the top charm of a woman.

there is such a woman who always maintains a calm look and elegant posture, which makes people feel like a spring breeze. No matter men or women, everyone is willing to be close to them. Even if the years are no longer, it can still shine. Writer Su Cen said: "some women are happier than flowers, the reason is very simple, to get along with her, even if it is just quietly around, that kind of comfortable atmosphere will not go away for years." Such women all have one thing in common-gentleness. Not impatient, neither hot nor cold, temperament, attitude, speech can always grasp the right degree, make people feel more comfortable. Who can refuse such a woman? Behind every gentle woman They are all good at arousing emotions. Middle-aged women have to face countless trivialities every day. To be a mother, a "tutor", a "chauffeur" for children to go to school, and a "chef" to cook at home. A man lives into a team. In such complicated things, the woman's good temper has been gradually worn away, leaving only a little bad temper. But there are always a few women, still so elegant and calm, people envy. In Reality Show's wife's Romantic Journey 5, Jiang Qinqin said bluntly to Liu Tao: "when I heard that you were the colonel, I didn't want to come." At the moment of hearing this, Liu Tao was stupefied, but he always kept a gentle smile on his face and patted Jiang Qinqin on the shoulder: "Why, do you feel very tired?" Not impatient, but with a little conciliatory and joking way to resolve embarrassment, the atmosphere of the scene did not drop but increased. Laozi once said, "those who win are strong, those who win by themselves are strong." People who can control their emotions will be able to concentrate on fighting more difficulties. There is a "Mustang effect" in psychology, which refers to the phenomenon that you get angry because of trivial things, so that you hurt yourself because of the mistakes of others. There is a kind of vampire bat that keeps itself alive on the blood of other animals. Although the Mustang runs fast, it can't get rid of the vampire bat and may even lose its life as a result. But zoologists have found that, in fact, the blood-sucking capacity of bats is far from enough to make the Mustang bleed to death, but because of the Mustang's rage. In the face of difficulties, some women, like Mustang, can not control their emotions, hurt others and hurt themselves, and it is very easy to make irrational behavior and regret. On the other hand, gentle women know how to control their emotions and ignore them. As Aristotle said, "everyone gets angry. It's very simple." But it is not easy for everyone to express the right degree of anger to the right person, at the right time, in the right motivation and in the right way. " Stable mood is the top charm of a woman. Everyone has emotions, and the ability to control emotions is the state of your life. Life has given women so many roles, don't be slaves to emotions. Be a gentle woman, keep an open mind, keep a steady state of mind, jump out of the strange circle of emotions and be the master of your own life. May you be a gentle woman with further courage and leisurely step back. Behind every gentle woman It is a big pattern of contentment and happiness. I saw a sentence that went like this: "the appearance of the world depends on the way you stare at it, and what life looks like depends on the state of mind you look at it." Life is like a mirror, you smile at it, it will return you with joy, if you argue with it, it will naturally be complicated. Think of the popular TV series "Little Joy". Three families preparing for the college entrance examination and three mothers of different styles. What impresses me most is Ji Yangyang's mother Liu Jing. She is gentle, elegant, magnificent and full of affinity. The mother immediately arranged tutoring and ideological education for other people's children who were slightly backward in the exam, for fear of falling behind a little bit, all of which she had not done. All she wants is for her husband and children to be around and her family to be healthy. So when her son does not like to study, she takes good care of the child's emotions. When the father and son quarrel, she goes to be a peacemaker. As long as she is there, you will feel that none of this is a problem. Bian Zhilin wrote in the poem: "you stand on the bridge and look at the scenery, and the people watching the scenery are upstairs looking at you. The moon decorates your window, you decorate other people's dreams. " Gentle women will not compare with others, but will be able to see what they have and know how to be satisfied. If you have one field, you will live a life on the other. They cherish the little happiness bit by bit more than the distance before they arrive. Behind every gentle woman All with the great wisdom of Rou Ke Gang. Anjie in the classic TV series "parents' Love" is well-off, but she, who likes the taste of petty bourgeoisie, married Jiang Defu, who came from a rough rural background. The two people's upbringing environment and values are very different. A little woman, a big man. At that time, Jiang Defu was in a high position, and people from his hometown came to him every now and then to beg him to arrange a job, and stayed in their home without arranging a job. Although Anjie didn't like it, he didn't say anything about it, and still entertained them with good food and drink. It was not until Jiang Defu could not stand it any longer that he issued the eviction order. The two are sweet and sweet every day, but they have also lit the red light of trust crisis because of their relationship. The daughter looked through her mother's book and accidentally found a picture of a man, and that man was Angie's first love. When Jiang Defu knew about this, he was so jealous that he not only questioned his wife repeatedly, but also went out to drink all night. Angie just didn't say a word, patiently took care of his drunken husband and silently tucked him in. It was not until the next day when Jiang Defu woke up and saw Angie falling asleep on the table that he realized that he was out of control and offered to forgive him in shame. Although the two people grew up in a completely different environment and temperament, Anjie walked happily with her husband hand in hand with the unique wisdom and gentleness of a woman. This is the charm of gentle women, who can solve problems with softness. Not only in marriage, but also in life, women who know this method can also have the advantage. A company held a friendship fair at the end of the year, and a participant was just about to take out a cigarette and light it. A female staff member went up and smiled."I'm really sorry, sir, but this is a non-smoking conference room." After listening to the apology, the man hurriedly said, "excuse me, I'll smoke outside." From the mandatory "no smoking" to "this is a smoke-free conference room", the change of a few words makes it more acceptable. Gentle women always act gently, not only achieving their own goals, but also making others comfortable. Truly wise women know how to fight against strength with tenderness and solve problems one by one with wisdom. A gentle woman may not make people feel attractive at first glance, but she will certainly make people feel irresistible in their day-to-day relationship. All gentleness comes from a strong heart. "those things of the Ming Dynasty" said: "people with open teeth and claws are often vulnerable. Because a really strong person is confident, self-confidence will be gentle, gentle will be firm. " Soong Ching-ling is such a gentle woman. In people's impression, she seldom blushes with others. He has never been loudly reprimanded even to those who are in a very different position from himself. She has a nanny named Li Yan'e, a girl from a small county in Guangdong. Hearing about Li Yan-e's tragic experience, Soong Ching-ling felt compassion and immediately left her by her side. There has never been a distinction between masters and servants. Soong Ching-ling often ate at the same table with the babysitter, chatted with her, and even gave her a big gift on her birthday. Soong Qingling also had a guard named Sui Xuefang. Once, when Soong Qingling was holding his daughter Yongqing, the little doll suddenly peed, and everyone hurried to take the child away. Soong Qingling is a very clean person. But Soong Ching-ling refused: "Don't move, let the child finish peeing, or he will fall ill." Let the child pee on himself. Not only that, in order to help the guards share some, Soong Qingling also brought Yongqing to his side to take care of him. When the guard was sick and could not take care of himself, Soong Ching-ling took the initiative to bear the living expenses of Yong Qing and adopted her second daughter, Yong Jie. All gentleness comes from a strong heart. Writer Annie Baby wrote in "Sleeping Hollow": "tempered by life, my heart is full of history, and finally my mind is at peace. Only in this way can we have the character of a person. " Only a woman who has experienced training can realize that it is not easy for others, and only a woman who is strong enough can have no difficulties in her eyes, no resentment in her heart, and always smile at anyone. Bi Shumin once told such a story: During the medical school class, the student asked the students, "what concentration do you think is the best concentration for alcohol disinfection?" The students all said, "of course, the higher the concentration, the better." In fact, too high concentration of alcohol will cause the outer wall of the bacteria to solidify in a very short time, forming a barrier. The subsequent alcohol can no longer be killed, and the bacteria are still alive behind the barrier. And the best disinfection concentration is to soften the concentration and infiltrate it bit by bit to get the best disinfection and sterilization. Bi Shumin said: Look at the sky and the sea. When they are the most beautiful and broad, the most peaceful and clean, they are soft. Only when you grow your heart, will you gain softness inadvertently. " So, if you want to be a gentle and attractive woman, the first step is to let your heart grow with strength. Control your emotions, know how to be content, and learn to overcome strength with softness. Only in this way can we create a calm and compassionate way of dealing with people and having compassion when things happen. To be a gentle woman with her own light.

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